New plan for 'world class' golf academy at hotel on edge of Watford

Golf at The Grove Hotel. <i>(Image: The Grove)</i>

Golf at The Grove Hotel. (Image: The Grove)

Facilities look set for a boost as a luxury hotel on the edge of Watford has submitted new plans to build a golf academy.

The Grove Hotel, accessed via Hempstead Road from the town, added an application for a new building within its existing course, to the west of the hotel, to the Three Rivers District Council planning portal this week.

If approved, planning documents state that the "world class" will serve as the hub for a golf academy where personalised fittings and testing for bespoke clubs would be on offer and replace the existing “experience truck” at the driving range.

The Grove Hotel. (Image: The Grove Hotel) There would be three training rooms, a potting studio, locker room, and workshop for visitors, as well as a reception, offices, storage area, and a lounge.

The proposal is currently “pending consideration” ahead of a council decision.

The five-star hotel, which won the title of England’s Best Golf Hotel at the World Golf Awards last year, previously submitted very similar plans for a golf facility which were approved last year.

It later wanted to change where the facility would be built and so tried to submit a non-material amendment to relocate it.

However, planning officers informed the applicant that a new full planning application would be needed to make the changes it wanted.

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